
26 Total no of IVD


In order to provide holistic development of the rural and tribal villages in India, EGF came up with the concept of Integrated village development (IVD) which focuses on the upliftment and empowerment of the under privileged sections of society through an integrated approach. The IVD model focuses on a cluster of villages collectively focusing on a wide range of activities for youth, women and farmers.

The IVD model basically focuses on the integrated development of 30 village (1Sanch) for which all the verticals of Ekal are involved together for the purpose.

The direct intervention of EGF in IVD

  • Skill training
    • Computer training lab (CTL)
    • Women empowerment center (WEC), Tailoring Centre
  • Organic farming training program
  • Nutritional garden program
  • Village community development
    • Government liasioning
    • Natural resource management
  • The intervention of other wings of Ekal :
    • Ekal Vidyalaya – One teacher one school program
    • Arogya Yojna – Health care program